The company "Palomita" JSC was established in 1993 in Sofia, specializing in the production and distribution of sanitary hygiene products. The company's production falls in a sector that is characterized by high energy intensity, which is why the company initiated its participation in this proceeding to improve energy and resource efficiency. This project proposal includes activities for the implementation of investments to improve energy efficiency, as recommended measures in energy efficiency audit conducted by a person registered in the register under Art. 60, para. 1 of the EEA, as well as activities type of services related to and necessary for the project. In the project are set activities for the replacement of old equipment with new, necessary for the production activity of the company - compressor equipment, centrifugal fans, necessary for the operation of the production line, replacement of the heating system and general ventilation of Plant 1 and Plant 2 candidate, replacement of lighting and performing works of industrial building (placing thermal insulation and windows), replacement of equipment for thermal-melt adhesive, and the acquisition of an automated system for monitoring energy consumption. In separate activities includes actions selection, preparation and implementation of "energy efficiency audit" consulting services for implementation and certification of energy management system in accordance with the requirements of standard BS EN ISO 50001, publicity and visualization of the project. The activities are associated with the identified company needs and constraints: higher production costs, physically and morally outdated technology and lack of systems and models for energy and efficient production. Implementation of the planned investment will increase competitiveness of "Palomita" JSC, by improving energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and production capacity.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 18 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 29 Nov, 2018 |
Contract date | 18 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 347,806.45 |
Grant | 261,891.57 |
Self finance | 85,914.88 |
Total paid | 254,728.93 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |