This project proposal envisages purchasing new high mobile crusher rotor (Measure 1) and a new high-performance crawler excavator (Measure 2). The new equipment has a higher performance and lower energy consumption per unit of output. The planned purchase in Measure 1 of an energy audit mobile crusher rotor has a diesel engine with 310 kW, and indicative fuel consumption of 25 l / h. The average performance of the new machine is 400 t / h. Crusher is equipped with a bunker volume of 6 cu. M., Which allows for the submission of material with an excavator or wheel loader. Vibropitatelyat is equipped with 2 rough "grizzly" arrays and hydraulic drive. The new rotor crusher will operate recycling of production. The machine is capable of crushing of construction waste to be reused for the production of concrete and asphalt mixtures. Last but not least, the rotor crusher is equipped with a system for spraying a high-pressure pump, the retention of powder in the crushing chamber. Planned for purchase in Measure 2 of the energy audit excavator is 6-cylinder diesel engine with 202 kW at fuel consumption up to 20 l / h. The average productivity of the machine is 75 m³ / h. The excavator is equipped with a bucket volume of 2.16 cubic meters Its management is done by multifunctional joystick. Beneficiary provides the project to introduce a system of energy management / energy management / certification and BS EN ISO 50001. These actions will reduce the cost of energy resources, limiting the consumption of energy resources and thus - protection environment. The project will be a turnaround 18 months and a total value 1 446 639.36 BGN, VAT excluded.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 06 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,446,639.36 |
Grant | 1,020,227.55 |
Self finance | 426,411.81 |
Total paid | 1,019,936.50 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |