Improve energy efficiency “Doroslava stroy” Ltd., Burgas

"Doroslava stroy" LTD, Burgas is a modern dynamically developing company, founded and registered in 2009. The main company activities are construction of new residential and office buildings and facilities, reconstruction and modernization of existing objects and infrastructure, repair and improvements of residential and commercial buildings. The company is listed in the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) First group: construction of a third to fifth category under the number: I-TV 015 093. Until the end of 2015 as a general contractor the company completed successfully buildings with a total built up area of ​​over 50,000 sq.m. The project foresees the renovation and improvement of manufacturing equipment (construction equipment, in order to increase company's energy efficiency and competitiveness, achieving lower production costs and reduce harmful emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere). The project proposal includes investments in the following construction equipment: telehandler - 1 pc., rotary telehendler - 1 pc. and multipurpose wheeled excavator loader - 1 pc. In order to improve the energy performance of the processes, including energy efficiency, use and consumption, the company also foresees investments for the implementation and certification of Energy management system ISO 50001:2011. The required project activities are: 1. Purchasing new construction equipment: telehandler - 1 pc., rotary telehendler - 1 pc. and multipurpose wheeled excavator loader - 1 pc.; 2. Carrying out an energy audit; 3. Implementation and certification to Energy management system ISO 50001:2011; 4. Providing project publicity and visualization.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Dec, 2017
End date 04 Sep, 2019
Contract date 06 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,212,165.00
Grant 855,695.50
Self finance 356,469.50
Total paid 854,621.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
