Increasing the energy efficiency of PERLAMET CE Ltd.

PERLAMET CE Ltd. is a company with main business development, including the manufacture of metal products for the needs of construction activity or individual assignments of clients. To maintain the quality of production management of the company strives to regularly renew existing equipment. Entirely in the context of this policy planned under this project proposal activities are linked to the purchase of energy efficient equipment in order to increase the energy efficiency of existing production and reduce production costs. For the realization of such goals the company plans to implement under this project four energy efficiency measures associated with the purchase of five vertical axis machining center, 5-axis high-speed vertical machining center, CNC lathe dvushpindelen and universal CNC lathe. The new equipment has a higher productivity at lower specific energy consumption in the result of which is expected to achieve energy savings of 79.33% and a reduction of CO² emissions per year to 981.27 tons. In addition to these measures PERLAMET CE Ltd. will take advantage of the opportunity to get advice on the introduction of an energy management system in the enterprise, according to the requirements of standard BS EN ISO 50001. As a result of the implementation of planned activities PERLAMET CE Ltd. will be able to start implementing greener production policy, using energy efficient technologies, environmentally friendly. Introduction of energy management will allow the company to optimize the use of energy, which will reduce and of energy consumption. Not least as a result of the successful implementation of the planned project activities, the company will significantly increase its production capacity and product quality, which will allow attracting new customers and expansion.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Dec, 2017
End date 10 Jun, 2019
Contract date 06 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,403,093.44
Grant 988,633.40
Self finance 414,460.04
Total paid 988,554.40
EU participation percent 85.0%
