The Energy Strategy of Bulgaria by 2020 is assumed that "energy efficiency is the highest priority in the energy policy of the country." Coherent with the energy strategy of the country are the actions of the management of "DARS 2002" Ltd, which take measures for investments that increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise to upgrade existing equipment and expand production capacity, develop eco friendly production and achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness. For this purpose, the Company provides the following activities: • commission of investigation energy efficiency (Energy Audit Report); • technological modernization of outdated and energy-intensive production equipment, expressed in purchasing: - Laminating machine; - Printers for printing on textile strips - 2; - Calendar press for sublimation; - Wide format sublimation printer - 3; - Automatic carousel with printer for color printing; - Automatic carousel; - Automatic carousel with pneumatic system; - Drying Ovens - 3 • Development, implementation and certification of energy management system ISO 50001; • Publicity and visualization With the implementation of the project will increase the competitiveness of the company on the Bulgarian market, will expand the capacity of the company, will increase the volume of output to the state by 2015, will increase the energy efficiency of production - annual energy savings will be 229 175 kWh/yr., annual savings in leva 193 212,4; saved CO2 emissions - 187,69 t/yr .; energy consumption of related activities with measure - 154 184 kWh/yr.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 04 Apr, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,072,363.25 |
Grant | 760,946.28 |
Self finance | 311,416.97 |
Total paid | 756,768.48 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |