This project proposal is aimed at increasing energy efficiency and expanding the capacity of the existing establishment of "RUSE PRESS" Ltd in Rousse by introducing a package of energy-saving measures recommended on the basis of conducted energy audit. The energy-saving measures include purchasing, installation and commissioning of a new offset printing machine - 1, counting machine - 1 and a device for placing dividers - 1 (measure 1); folding machine - 1 (Measure 2); cutting Line including: one-side cutter - 1, automatic jogger - 1, transomat - 1 and lift - 1 (Measure 3); automatic creasing machine- 1 and a device for placing closed eyelets - 1. (Measure 4); collator - 1. and stitching machine - 1 pc. (Measure 5) and books thread sewing machine - 1(Measure 6). These machines will increase the productivity of the company through automation of key manufacturing processes, merging multiple devices and operations in one machine, reducing time-consuming interruption of adjustments and maintenance. Recycled materials - paper and cardboard will be able to be used in the production process of the basic products from the product range of the company. Energy savings PES = 65.3%, a factor of energy savings (ESR) = 66.6% and savings of CO2 emissions - 162.3 tons/year will be achieved after the introduction of the machines. Introduction and certification under the ISO 50001 standard is included in the following investment. The adoption of this standard will lead to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, reduction of energy costs and other effects related to the environment through systematic management of energy. This will reduce the energy intensity of manufacture of paper and paperboard (KID 17.29) - high energy intensity sector.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 04 Apr, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,134,972.00 |
Grant | 1,499,680.40 |
Self finance | 635,291.60 |
Total paid | 1,499,680.37 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |