The basic needs of the company Logel Ltd. relating to improving energy efficiency in the enterprise are: - The need for provision new manufacturing machines; - The necessity to improve of energy performance of the three manufacturing buildings of the enterprise; - The establishment of control and monitoring of the energy consumption in Logel Ltd; - Reduction of heat losses during the winter months of the year. The main task of this project proposal is to meet precisely these needs of the enterprise. In preparation of the project was carried out An energy audit of the enterprise according to the requirements of this application procedure, which confirms the above needs of the applicant and determined for implementation the following energy saving measures: Measure 1 - Delivery and commissioning of hydraulic abkant press with CNS control; Measure 2 - Delivery and commissioning of hydraulic guillotine; Measure 3 - Performing Construction works in building stock; Measure 4 - Establishment of an automated system for monitoring energy consumption (ASME); Measure 5 - Creation of a system for recuperation of waste heat from the ventilation system. By implementation of this project, Logel Ltd. will purchase and put into operation modern equipment of high class, which is characterized by significantly lower energy consumption per unit of output and higher productivity in comparison with the current equipment. Also, the heat losses at the three manufacturing halls of the enterprise will be significantly reduced. In this way the, project will directly contribute to achieving higher energy efficiency by the company, the high competitiveness of the company and its sustainable progressive development. The project will lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption and reduce operational running costs of the production base.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 21 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 21 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 21 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 501,611.10 |
Grant | 357,317.77 |
Self finance | 144,293.33 |
Total paid | 356,140.39 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |