Increasing energy efficiency in KMH-ELEMENT Ltd

The main activity of KMH-ELEMENT Ltd. is a production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment. The company is made items for production and complete hydraulic components (eg. sterzhini). The main need of the company is related to improving energy efficiency for sustainable growth and competitiveness. Satisfying this need is the main objective of the project which will be implemented through the following activities: 1. Acquisition of new manufacturing equipment 2. Consultancy services for implementation and certification of energy management system in accordance with standard BS EN ISO 50001 3. Financial audit The activity of selecting a contractor to prepare an energy audit is completed prior to submission of the project proposal. Through the implementation of the above activities, including energy efficiency measures included in the approved SEDA energy report (Statement № BG16RFOP-226/02.09.2016) will achieve the following key results: 1. delivered, installed and commissioned production equipment - CNC Lathe (1pc.),CNC universal cylindrical grinding machine (1 pc.), Fiber laser (1pc.) 2. received a certificate in accordance with standard BS EN ISO 50001 3. financial audit 4. filled activities for environmental protection 5. energy savings - 449 764 kWh/year 6. emission savings CO2 - 368.356 t/year 7. vizualization of the project Through the implementation of project activities and achieve planned results will expand the capacity of existing shed will reduce the cost of unit production, will develop environmentally sound production and improve energy efficiency of the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 24 Nov, 2017
End date 31 May, 2019
Contract date 24 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,525,000.00
Grant 1,497,190.00
Self finance 1,027,810.00
Total paid 1,494,830.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
