General and main goal of the project proposal to the SOLAR CITY Ltd. is: Capacity expansion of existing business site and increase energy efficiency in the enterprise, and thus achieve a competitive and sustainable market presence. This objective will be achieved through the following activities: • commissioned investigation for energy efficiency (energy audit); • replacement of obsolete production equipment, the EuP consumer in the business of SOLAR CITY Ltd. by investing in new equipment following: - Tracked excavator; - Recycling bucket; - Mobile crusher rotor - Wheel loader; • Implementation and certification system for energy management BS EN ISO 50001; • the introduction of an automated system for monitoring energy consumption; Through proper information campaign, set in the project activities will promote financial support from the ERDF to achieve the objectives and results of the project. This will ensure transparency in the implementation of activities and selection of contractors. With the successful implementation of the activities envisaged in the project SOLAR CITY Ltd. will achieve the following: - An increase in productivity in the enterprise with 275 614 pcs. / Yr. or by 80% compared to 2015 .; - Planned energy savings for the entire company (PES) - 49.28%; - Energy savings for the particular production process (crushing, extraction of aggregates) equal 1,094,076 kWh / a. and total savings factor (ESR) is 56.62%. - Energy consumption per unit of product will decrease by 2,033 kWh / pcs. - Saved emissions (CO2) amounted to 340,27 t / yr. The actions of the management of SOLAR CITY Ltd. meet agreed priorities and objectives in Axis 3 "Energy and Resource Efficiency" and investment priority 3.1 "Energy technology and energy efficiency."
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 06 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,883,774.57 |
Grant | 1,323,445.66 |
Self finance | 560,328.91 |
Total paid | 1,294,846.15 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |