Implementation of energy efficiency measures in Rostreid EOOD

Project proposal includes implementation of energy efficiency measures in Rostrade EOOD, according to an energy audit, which is approved by Sustainable Energy Development Agency. Rostrade EOOD is an enterprise which operates within C sektor Production of plastik packing. Implementation of energy efficiency measures of energy audit will achieve improved energy efficiency and effective resource consumption in Rostrade EOOD. The following equipment will be bought under the project: PEHD bottle production machine, PET bottle production machine, recycling grinder for production scrap, wrapping machine, helical compressor, a heat exchanger system for waste heat will be constructed and an automatic energy consumption monitoring system will be introduced. The implemented energy saving measures will lead to improved energy efficiency in Rostrade EOOD, decreased unit cost of production, decreased production scrap, which allows restrained production costs and decreased row material consumption. Thus the enterprise will achieve a sustainable growth and increased competitiveness. Rostrade EOOD will popularize received EU financial grant through project visualization measures in accordance with „Unified manual of the beneficiary for application of the information and communication rules for 2014-2020”. The aim is to inform the public on project implementation, its budget, activities and results, as well as EU financial contribution for successful project results. Rostrade EOOD will improve production energy efficiency, decrease energy consumption for a production unit as a result of project implementation and thus it will improve its market competitiveness.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 24 Nov, 2017
End date 04 Sep, 2019
Contract date 24 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 385,583.00
Grant 274,828.10
Self finance 110,754.90
Total paid 257,347.61
EU participation percent 85.0%
