The current project proposal is entirely related to certain of DILCOM BULGARIA Ltd. needs and limitations: high annual cost of electricity and production unit, physically and morally outdated equipment and lack of flexographic printing systems and management models of energy efficiency. In order to reduce energy intensity and increasing the production capacity of the company assigned to the person registered in the register under Art. 60, p. 1 of the EEA, in order to conduct an energy audit at the level of industrial system and to make a report recommending appropriate measures to save energy. Report on Energy provides purchasing and commissioning of new high-tech flexo machine that will significantly increase the hours of efficient work (label printing) at the expense of hours of tuning equipment; will increase print speed; over 3.5 times will increase the production of labels per hour and about 8 times will increase productivity per year; will achieve ene. savings of 118 521.30 kwh per year, or 0059 kWh / m²; will significantly reduce technology waste 7 times; will acquire technological ability to work with raw material recycled paper and foil. In addition to activities based on the recommendations of the conducted energy audit project proposal provides activities and consultancy services for implementation and certification system for energy management in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001, publicity and visualization of the project. The realization of the idea of the project will increase the competitiveness of DILCOM BULGARIA by improving energy efficiency, environmental protection and performance.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 21 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 21 Jun, 2019 |
Contract date | 21 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,377,060.00 |
Grant | 834,354.00 |
Self finance | 542,706.00 |
Total paid | 804,550.17 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |