This project is designed to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness of IVAR 11 LTD. This objective will be achieved through the specific objective of the project, namely: Increasing the energy efficiency of production through: - Renewal of production equipment; - Energy management. To implement the objectives the following activities will be carried out: * Delivery and implementation of new technological equipment; - Splitting machine for longitudinal and cross cutting - 1 pc; - Machine for drain pipes - 1 pc; - Hydraulic bending machine (abkant) - 1 pc; - Profiling machine for the production of LT 40 profiled roofing sheets layered - 1 pc; - Gas forklift - 1 pc. * Building of an Automated energy monitoring system – 1 pc. These activities consistent with the measures to increase the energy efficiency of IVAR 11 LTD recommended in the Report of the Energy Audit approved by SEDA with OPINION № BG16RFOP-570/ 27.08.2016. The contractor of the service "Investigation of energy efficiency of IVAR 11 LTD." is set in a post announcing the funding procedure and before the submission of the project proposal. In addition to these activities the project foresees "Implementation and certification of Energy Management System (EMS) in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001: 2011" With the implementation of the project activities the following results will be achieved: - Energy savings: 90 128 kWh / yr .; - Factor of energy savings ESR: 42.08%; - Planned energy savings for the entire company (PES): 42.08% - Saving emission CO2: 60.73 t / yr. - Energy savings: 17 990 BGN / year. - Non-energy savings: 158 019 BGN / year. - Payback period of the investment: 2.96 yrs - Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of investment measures in the project: 33.61%.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 20 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 528,870.00 |
Grant | 353,814.03 |
Self finance | 175,055.97 |
Total paid | 352,890.83 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |