The main goal of the current project is an achievement of a steady growth and competitiveness of „BULHART” Ltd. by improving the energy efficiency and by increasing the production capacity. For the accomplishment of the project’s objective activities have been planned, aimed at: • Introduction of new technologies for the improvement of the energy efficiency in the enterprise. • Introduction and certification of an energy management system ISO 50001. • Implementation of new technologies for environmental protection by introducing measures for utilization of the residual thermal energy. For the purpose contemporary high energy efficient assets will be implemented on the project, which will decrease the energy intensity and will create the necessary technological security for a betterment of the resource efficiency and an enhancement of the production capacity. The measures foreseen in the project’s offer are aimed at an implementation of: • A cargo truck of type “hanger” with superstructure – one piece. • An automated system for energy consumption surveillance – one piece. • A system for utilization of wasted heat from ventilated air by a recuperator – one piece. With the realization of the project a management system in compliance with the standards BIS EN ISO 50001 will be implemented in the enterprise. The expected execution results will involve simultaneously an improvement in the energy and resource efficiency and an increase in the stability and the production capacity of the candidate. As a result of the improved energy efficiency we will accomplish: • Annual energy savings: 345 834,81 kWh/y. • Saved CO2 emissions in the amount of: 102,88 t/y. The identified direct target group is the enterprise-candidate. In a broader range this is the economic sector, in which the enterprise is active.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 18 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 30 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 353,200.00 |
Grant | 253,080.00 |
Self finance | 100,120.00 |
Total paid | 248,673.30 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |