Increasing the competitiveness of "ELVEKO ELEKTROMONTAZI" Ltd, by improving energy efficiency and capacity

ELVEKO ELEKTORMONTAZI Ltd. is a construction company with basic code of economic activities according to NSI database: 43,21 “Construction of electrical networks and installations”. The company is specialized in construction of roads and railway infrastructure, electrical, water supply and sewerage networks. The company is facing a major challenge: high levels of energy intensity of operations in the production process resulting in high levels of production costs. This is a result of outdated specialized machinery and equipment which lead to higher energy costs, limited production capacity, higher resource consumption and inefficient production process. To meet this challenges the company is planning to invest in new specialized machinery and equipment (6 Cylinder turbo excavator with drilling equipment) with the public financial support of EU. This investment will increase the energy efficiency and the production capacity of the operations in the company. The expected results of the project are: expanded production capacity of the applicant by 30%, increased energy efficiency (realizing energy savings -341 755,30kWh / yr. Or 54.82%) and efficiency of the production process, reduce production costs, improve competitiveness and sustainable growth of the candidate. Main project actions: Acquisition of new production equipment State aid: “Regional investment support” related to capacity expansion of an existing business entity through investments in high energy efficient production equipment.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 22 Apr, 2021
End date 22 Apr, 2022
Contract date 22 Apr, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,702,186.50
Grant 1,031,151.90
Self finance 671,034.60
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
