Increasing energy efficiency in order to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness in the TECHNO-MASH Ltd.

The implementation of the project satisfies the need to overcome the challenges associated with high energy intensity in the industry due to outdated technologies, limited access to new best practices, systems and models for energy and efficient production, these challenges are solved by investing in new equipment and introducing energy management systems that lead to increased energy efficiency and efficiency in the company. TECHNO-MASH Ltd. is representative of the target group of the procedure - i.e. SMEs implementing projects based on conducted energy audit and implemented in sectors characterized by high energy intensity, which is the sector of metal-processing industry. The main objective of the project proposal is to promote the implementation of measures to increase energy efficiency through investments in new resource efficient and environmentally friendly equipment and introducing energy management systems. The expected results of the support expressed in enhancing the competitiveness of TECHNO-MASH Ltd., through improved energy efficiency and capacity, which in turn leads to sustainable growth and to reduce the energy intensity as the level of individual production units and as a whole economy, achieving through the following activities: 1) Investments for energy efficiency (acquisition of new production equipment through implementing new machine tools and by introducing a system for recovery of residual heat). 2) Consulting Services to perform an energy audit (the activity is performed by carrying out audits of energy efficiency). 3) Consultancy services for implementation and certification of energy management systems (the operation is performed through the introduction and certification of energy management system). 4) Publicity and visualization.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Aug, 2017
End date 31 May, 2019
Contract date 21 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 464,000.00
Grant 331,400.00
Self finance 132,600.00
Total paid 322,638.11
EU participation percent 85.0%
