Improving the energy efficiency of "Kopex and Co" Ltd.

Kopex amp; Co. Ltd. has the following field of operation: loading and transport of rock mass and ore in opencast mines and quarries, recultivation of impaired areas, construction and rehabilitation of industrial, residential and mixed buildings, road construction, repair and restoration works, rehabilitation and maintenance of the road network, services with construction mechanization in the area of road construction. In order to expand its production capacity, Kopex amp; Co. envisages purchase and commissioning of new machines as the old, depreciated equipment will be left in reserve. In order to improve the company’s energy efficiency and to increase its production capacity, an energy audit was conducted and the following measures were recommended: Measure 1: Purchase of Chain Excavator; The measure envisages replacement of depreciated and outdated Chain Excavator with new, modernized one. The new excavator has lower specific consumption of diesel and higher productivity. Measure 2: Purchase of Recycling Bucket; The measure envisages advancement of the production process and reduction of losses from discarded production by purchasing a Recycling Bucket. The purchase and commissioning of such technological equipment will increase the productivity of the company. Measure 3: Purchase of two units of Chain Excavators; The measure envisages replacement of depreciated and outdated Chain excavators with two new, with lower specific consumption of diesel and higher productivity. Measure 4: Purchase of Two Wheel Loaders; The measure envisages replacement of depreciated and outdated Wheel Loaders with two new with lower specific consumption of diesel and higher productivity. Besides the measures listed above, the project envisages implementation of the following activities: Conducting energy audit; Introduction and certification of energy management system 50001-2011; Publicity and visualization.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Dec, 2017
End date 10 Jun, 2019
Contract date 06 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 2,153,006.97
Grant 1,307,815.18
Self finance 845,191.79
Total paid 1,307,465.84
EU participation percent 85.0%
