Investments in the project are aimed at the purchase of energy efficient fixed assets and the introduction of systems manitronig and energy management, which will contribute to increasing energy efficiency to reduce production costs, greening and increase competitiveness of "KVP-Consult" LTD. Rolled includes activities for implementation of the recommended measures in the energy report for the formation of technological line for production of aggregate materials as one of the main sources for improvement of energy efficiency of the enterprise. Automating the management of thermal and energy facilities contributes to the overall effect of realizing energy savings. Energy efficiency in the production site of "KVP-CONSULT" Ltd. will be achieved by ensuring optimal flow of production and process the required quality with minimum energy consumption. In this context, management of energy costs in the enterprise is a key activity in implementing a comprehensive energy management. its application leads to a reduction in energy costs in particular proceedings and reduce energy component in the cost of the final product, while maintaining its quality and competitiveness. The project will introduce MONITORING SYSTEM of energopotrebelnieto as one of komoponentite of manufacturing production line. We will be implemented and certified system for energy management (CEM) under the requirements of ISO 50001: 2011. The results expected from the implementation of the recommended measures in the energy report are expressed in achieving Implementing an energy savings of 3,674,386 kWh / a. factor and energy savings: 62.45 percent. Opazavne contribution to the environment is to reduce the emission of CO2 emissions by 1 051.68 tons / year. The project has a social purpose - as a result of its implementation will open two new multilateralism places.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 31 May, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,133,077.54 |
Grant | 1,495,174.40 |
Self finance | 637,903.14 |
Total paid | 1,495,011.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |