Integrated activities to improve energy efficiency in Chrom AD

The project of Chrom AD under the current call is a response to the urgent needs of the enterprise for improving the energy efficiency of its production processes while implementing the company's strategy for operational optimization. Chrom AD is a major manufacturer of various household goods and industrial components made from stainless steel. One of the production units of the enterprise is still working with old and energy-consuming equipment that needs to be replaced in order for the electricity consumption to be optimized and production efficiency to be improved. That is why the first activity in the project is related to the purchase of new equipment for sector "welding". The lighting system in the enterprise also is old and consumes a lot of electricity, and for that reason the project includes as a separate activity construction works and renovation of the system with new LED lighting. As supporting activities, aimed at further improving the energy performance of Chrom AD and promoting the sustainable development of the company, the project includes implementation of the following systems: system for utilization of residual heat, system for monitoring of energy consumption and energy management system. All investments are planned in full compliance with the report of an energy audit, as well as with the prescribed measures for improving the energy efficiency and the sustainability of production processes in the enterprise. As a result of the project Chrom AD will not only reduce its consumption of electricity and increase resource efficiency, but also will save significant financial resources, through which the company will increase its competitiveness, expand its market position and will be able to meet the requirements of its current and future customers.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Aug, 2017
End date 21 Nov, 2018
Contract date 18 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 554,400.00
Grant 385,600.00
Self finance 168,800.00
Total paid 383,745.10
EU participation percent 85.0%
