“CARINA-4” OOD is a company specialized in the production of plastic packaging. The main goal of the present project is the company to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness using the energy efficiency measures – in line with the purpose of procedure BG16RFOP002-3.001 “Energy Efficiency for Small and Medium Enterprises”. The project is based on the recommendations from an energy audit implemented as per a model including the prescribed measures for confirmed energy savings of at least 5% and shall be realized by the implementation of a complex of interrelated and upgrading activities, that are allowable under Element A “Investments” and Element B “Services” of the procedure, these are: Activities under Element A “Investments ": - Delivery and commissioning of an Injector – 1 pc. (implementing Measure 1 of the energy survey); - Delivery, installation and commissioning of a Mill – 1 pc (implementing Measure 2 of the energy survey); - Delivery, installation and commissioning of a Digital Printing Machine – 1 pc. (implementing Measure 2). Activities under Element B “Services ": - Consultation services for the introduction and certification of an energy management system in "CARINA-4" OOD, including in accordance with the provisions of BDS EN ISO 50001/EN ISO 50001 standard; - Accomplishing an energy audit as per a model (“energy efficiency survey”); - Publicity and visualization. The main purpose of the present project is the implementation of an initial investment in fixed assets - 1 Injector, 1 Mill and 1 Digital Printing Machine related to the expansion of the capacity of the existing business facility. The Project falls within the procedure priorities as it is implemented in a section of high energy intensity – section C22. Manufacturing of rubber and plastic products as well as activities related to recycling of discarded production and usage of recycled raw materials.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 21 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 21 Mar, 2019 |
Contract date | 21 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,476,578.11 |
Grant | 1,023,572.39 |
Self finance | 453,005.72 |
Total paid | 1,022,226.30 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |