Increasing competitiveness and improving the energy efficiency of "Elegant-SE" Ltd. by introducing energy saving measures

"Elegant-SE" Ltd. is a company entirely specialized in the cutting and sewing uppers for shoes tolling. In an effort to achieve sustainable growth, management of "Elegant-SE" Ltd. looks to improve technology and improve their energy efficiency in the manufacturing process of the company. This project initiative aims to increase energy efficiency, competitiveness and capacity of the company by upgrading and improvement of production equipment as a result of which will be achieved to reduce production costs, increase the volume of output and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The project includes implementation of efficient production machines, replacing the currently used in the process, with proven energy savings per unit - Workshop for "Cutting" - 4 machines, Workshop for "Sewing" - 7 machines, Workshop for "Preparing" - 9 machines. With the implementation of project activities is expected optimal application of energy efficiency measures and possible elimination of energy losses in the manufacturing process of the company and consequently will achieve competitive advantage. The successful realization of the project will be implemented through the following main activities planned and prescribed in the energy report with which to achieve the set energy efficiency as follows: 1. Replacement of the existing technological equipment to higher productivity and lower energy consumption; 2. Construction of ventilation with heat recovery for recovery of waste heat; 3. Reduce energy costs by introducing an automated system for monitoring energy consumption (SME); 4. Implementation and certification of energy management systems - ISO 50001; 5. Perform an energy audit model that offers solutions to reduce energy costs; 6. Ensuring publicity and visualization of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Aug, 2017
End date 11 Jul, 2019
Contract date 21 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 552,025.00
Grant 390,077.50
Self finance 161,947.50
Total paid 389,887.60
EU participation percent 85.0%
