Increasing the energy efficiency of Performa Ltd.

Performa Ltd. Is specialized in the production of die forms for the production of cardboard and more packaging and printing products. Clients of the firm are large Bulgarian companies from all sectors of the economy. The implementation of this project will meet the identified need for the leadership of the Performa to increase energy efficiency and resource efficiency of production and simultaneously reduce production costs. These are the specific goals of this project. Achieving them will contribute to achieving the overall objective of the project to increase competitiveness and sustainable growth of the company, which is in line with our strategy development aimed at expanding the market position and management of production activities, subject to the current policies for sustainable development and environmental protection. The project includes activities to acquire new production and other equipment, representing initial investment in tangible assets in accordance with the recommended 4 energy efficiency measures in the audit report approved by SEDA and activities for development, implementation and certification of management system according to standard ISO 50001. All activities will be implemented in accordance with the regulations - the rules of Decree 160 / 07.01.2016, ZUSESIF, conditions for application and guide implementation of grant contracts by OPIC. Along with this, the project will deliver and binding activities of information and publicity under the rules of Annex XII to Regulation (EC) № 1303/2013. Expected outcomes of the project: - Increasing energy efficiency (ESR) Total: 68.24 %; - Annual energy savings from recommended package: 39967 kWh /y; - Increased resource efficiency and effectiveness of production; - Contribution to environmental protection.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Aug, 2017
End date 03 Jun, 2019
Contract date 09 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 669,712.00
Grant 377,889.67
Self finance 291,822.33
Total paid 376,241.33
EU participation percent 85.0%
