Improving the energy efficiency of ‘’BULPOR’’ Ltd.

“BULPOR” Ltd. was established in 1996 in Shumen. The company is a leading manufacturer of thermal-insulation boards and expanded polystyrene (EPS). In accordance with the investment project, ‘’BULPOR’’ Ltd. aims to replace the old moulding machine with a new one for expanded polystyrene block production. The new equipment is expected to possess a higher performance rate and to be more energy efficient. The new line has a dry vacuum system (closed system), in which water is not lost in the cooling process, resulting in a considerable reduction in water consumption. The new machine is intended to produce expanded polystyrene blocks with a volume of approximately 2m3 and dimensions of 2/1/1m, with the machine performance rate expected to be significantly increased. The cutting of expanded polystyrene blocks into boards of various sizes is performed by means of an old, physically and morally obsolete equipment, whose performance rate and energy efficiency are relatively low. In accordance with the investment project, the company aims to replace the old cutting machine with a new expanded polystyrene block cutting line. The new equipment is expected to have a substantially higher performance rate and energy efficiency. Through realisation of the project, ‘’BULPOR’’ Ltd. intents to invest in a system which will utilise the residual heat from the machine cooling process as well as in a monitoring system that will provide the user with data about the electric energy and natural gas consumption of the machines, which will be analysed and used for consumption-reducing decisions. The company will use services concerning an Energy audit, ISO 50 001 implementation and certification as well as a project Visualisation in accordance with the procedure requirements.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 21 Aug, 2017
End date 13 Dec, 2018
Contract date 21 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 495,505.00
Grant 351,453.50
Self finance 144,051.50
Total paid 349,765.40
EU participation percent 85.0%
