Improving the energy and resource efficiency of "Mihnisvet" OOD

Needs of "Mihnisvet" OOD: - Increased energy efficiency - Replacement of the outdated line of 6 stationary and hand-held electric machines with new universal machine for cutting insulation and steel liners - Improved production capacity Target groups: - The company "Mihnisvet" OOD. - Workers in the "Mihnisvet" OOD, which after the implementation of the project, will receive better health and safe at work, namely reduced CO2 emissions and more comfortable conditions for the operators - Indirectly the project will contribute to improving the living conditions of people living in the region of implementation of the project due to the introduction of energy-efficient assets, the result of which will reduce environmental pollution. Objectives: The main objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of "Mihnisvet" OOD as provided the following specific objectives: - Improving energy efficiency - Improving the production capacity of the company - Reducing emissions and protecting the environment - Improved working conditions Expected results: - Replace obsolete production equipment with new, characterized by greater resource efficiency - Energy savings due to new equipment purchased by 45,995 kWh / year. - Saved CO2 emissions by 37,670 t / year. - Factor energy savings (ESR) = 83.2% - Energy savings - 27.1% - Non-energy savings - amounting to 68 190.40 BGN / year. - Estimated energy savings - amounting to 10 118.89 BGN / year. Basic activities: - Investments for implementation of energy efficiency measures - Performing an energy audit - Consulting services for introduction and certification of energy management systems in enterprises - according to the requirements of standard BS EN ISO 50001 / EN ISO 50001 - Publicity and visualization

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 Nov, 2017
End date 20 Feb, 2019
Contract date 30 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 345,918.38
Grant 250,742.87
Self finance 95,175.51
Total paid 247,048.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
