Energy efficiency in "ECOMAX" Ltd.

"ECOMAX" Ltd. is a company specialized in the waste management, temporary storage facilities operation and waste reloading and environmental engineering. The main goal of the present project is the company to achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness using the energy efficiency measures in line with the purpose of procedure BG16RFOP002-3.001 “Energy Efficiency for Small and Medium Enterprises”. The project is based on the recommendations from an energy audit implemented as per a model including the prescribed measures for confirmed energy savings of at least 5% and shall be realized by the implementation of a complex of interrelated and upgrading activities, that are allowable under Element A “Investments” and Element B “Services” of the procedure, these are: Activities under Element A “Investments": - A mobile machine for scraps reloading – a grapple excavator – 1 pc. (implementing Measure 1 of the energy audit); - Delivery, installation and commissioning of a shredder with magnetic separator cables – 1 pc. (implementing Measure 2 of the energy audit); Activities under Element B “Services": - Consultation services for the introduction and certification of an energy management system in "ECOMAX" Ltd., including in accordance with the provisions of BDS EN ISO 50001/EN ISO 50001 standard; - Accomplishing an energy audit as per a model (“energy efficiency survey”); - Publicity and visualization. The main purpose of the present project is the implementation of an initial investment in fixed assets – 1 pc. of a mobile machine for scraps reloading – a grapple excavator, and 1 pc. of a shredder of magnetic separator cables, related to the expansion of the existing business facility.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 22 Jan, 2018
End date 06 Aug, 2019
Contract date 22 Jan, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 861,996.00
Grant 607,473.20
Self finance 254,522.80
Total paid 579,948.26
EU participation percent 85.0%
