"Increasing energy efficiency in company Dikmont Ltd."

The project "Increasing energy efficiency in company Dikmont Ltd." represents the intention of the company to increase capacity, increase energy efficiency and improving the working process. This will provide greater productivity of the company and lower power consumption. This project provides the supply of machinery and equipment according to planned energy efficiency actions in the energy report, according of the business needs of the company. The project implementation will expand the production capacity of "Dikmont" Ltd. without performing a fundamental change in the production process. The value of the project is 295 589.54 BGN. The deadline of the project is 12 mounts. The action of information and publicity including 2 information signboards and information stickers for machines. This action is at the expense of the company. The result of this project provides for increasing energy efficiency and expanding production capacity of the company and certification of the energy management system ISO 50001.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 Nov, 2017
End date 12 Mar, 2019
Contract date 30 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 295,589.54
Grant 206,912.68
Self finance 88,676.86
Total paid 205,380.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
