"TYUHE - ILIEV ATANASOVA I SIE SD" is an apparel production company specialized in the production of ladies garments – shirts, dresses, skirts, pants and jackets. The company develops this activity for over 20 years. It has established itself as a reliable partner for a number of major national and international companies and has been working on tolling agreements with them. The company possess its own production plant, is equipped with the basic machines necessary for the production but all of the assets are too old and quite outdated. As a result, the costs including the energy ones - for heating, cooling, machines and the non-energy costs - for accidents, repairs and deprecated production are much higher than the ones in similar but modern equipped manufacturing plants. At the moment, the enterprise manages to stay on the market, thanks to its high reputation of trusted partner and the qualification of its staff, but soon this will not be enough. Having the most important capital for a company - established perennial good relations with suppliers and customers, and skilled and loyal staff, the company plans to modernize its manufacturing base - an action which could position it on the ascending way of development again. For this purpose under this project according to procedure BG16RFOP002-3.001, the enterprise intends to execute key activities necessary for improving the energy performances of the building and to modernize entirely its primary production equipment. The conclusions of the performed energy audit confirm the expected benefits and the profitability of the investments. In addition, the audit recommends introduction of an automated system for monitoring energy consumption, as well as implementation and certification of energy management system, according to BDS EN ISO 50001, which will also be implemented under the project.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 28 Mar, 2019 |
Contract date | 15 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 202,756.00 |
Grant | 146,431.20 |
Self finance | 56,324.80 |
Total paid | 141,378.45 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |