ET Yavor Mirchev Komers is one of the main producers of boza on the Bulgarian market. This project is aimed at and has as main goal the achievement of sustainable growth and competitiveness of the company through the implementation of energy efficiency measures, in line with the objective of procedure BG16RFOP002-3.001“Energy Efficiency for Small and Medium Enterprises”.This project is based on recommendations made by an energy audit according to a sample, including provided for implementation measures with confirmed energy saving effect of at least 5% and will be achieved through the implementation of a set of interrelated and upgradable activities that are eligible under Element A“Investments” and B“Services” of the procedure, namely: Activities under Element A“Investments” -Delivery,installation and commissioning of an economizer for the utilization of waste heat from steam boiler–1pc.(in implementation of Measure 1 of the energy audit) -Delivery,installation and commissioning of a pasteurizer with rheometer–1 pc.(in implementation of Measure 2); -Delivery,installation and commissioning of a mill–1pc.(in implementation of Measure 3) - Delivery,installation and commissioning of a blow molding machine for PET containers for hot and cold filling up to 95°C- 1 pc. (in implementation of Measure 4) - Delivery,installation and commissioning of a compressor station-1 pc.(in implementation of Measure 5) - Delivery,installation and commissioning of a system for energy consumption monitoring –1pc.(in implementation of Measure 6). Activities under Element B“Services”: - Consulting services for implementation and certification of an energy management system, incl. in accordance with standard BS EN ISO50001/EN ISO50001; - Carrying out of an energy audit according to a sample; - Publicity and visualization. This project falls within the priorities of the procedure, in as much as it includes activities for recycling scrap production and use of recycled materials.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 24 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 11 Jul, 2019 |
Contract date | 24 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 556,832.00 |
Grant | 391,139.00 |
Self finance | 165,693.00 |
Total paid | 385,763.05 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |