The current project envisages the purchase of a new high-performance crushing-sieving installation, type "washing" (Measure 1), construction of a ventilation installation in a production room for utilization of residual heat (Measure 2) and delivery of an automated system for monitoring and controlling the energy consumption (Measure 3). The planned purchase in Measure 1 energy audit crushing and screening plant (MET), type "washing" will replace the fully functioning at the time of career "Gorno Ezerovo" 2 pieces of old crushing and screening plants, just type "washing". The new MET-type "washing" has a total installed capacity of 1140 kW. The average performance of the new plant is 300 t / h. produced fractions, the annual energy consumption is 1 459 500 kWh / yr. The mechanical ventilation system to recover residual heat (Measure 2) will replace the existing conventional mechanical ventilation without recovery of residual heat in the production area, type repair workshop on the subject Career "Gorno Ezerovo". The ventilation system will have a power. Power the fans (x2.) 0,44 kW, output power. Heater 6 kW and will provide an average of about 900 m3 / h of fresh air. The project also envisages the introduction of an automated system for monitoring and controlling the energy consumption of the Gorno Ezerovo Quarry (Measure 3). It will consist of software and technical tools (dashboard with accessories). The automated system will provide complete and detailed information needed to periodically conduct energy consumption analyzes. Within the project will be introduced energy management system and certified to BS EN ISO 50001. These actions will reduce the cost of energy resources, limiting the consumption of energy resources and thus - to protect the environment. The project will be a turnaround 24 months and has a total value 4 717 400.00 lv, VAT excluded.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 03 Aug, 2018 |
End date | 15 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 03 Aug, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 4,717,400.00 |
Grant | 2,358,700.00 |
Self finance | 2,358,700.00 |
Total paid | 2,358,289.32 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |