Kaolin AD is an enterprise with more than 90 years of history and since 2000 has been privatized and becomes a private joint-stock company. The company produces over 150 kinds of products, which are different varieties of quartz sand, kaolin, limestone and others. The products are used in a variety of industries - for paper, glass, ceramics, fillers, etc. Using its expertise in the industry as well as the European requirements, leading to the company's activity is customer satisfaction, efficient solutions, competitive prices, reliability and warranty. In order to achieve sustainable development, the company needs to upgrade some of the existing equipment as it is physically and morally outdated, much less productive and much more energy-intensive. In order to improve its competitiveness, the enterprise plans to implement energy saving measures under this project to help reduce energy consumption in production. In particular, activities will be geared to achieving energy savings, by upgrading production capacities with more energy-efficient and improving the production process technologies. The objective of the investments envisaged is to enable the company to expand its business and expand its capacity in full by introducing more resource efficient equipment and, on the other, to achieve a high standard of energy efficiency. The implementation of the project will directly contribute to the introduction and development of environmentally friendly production. The following projects are planned for this project: 1. Acquisition of new production equipment according to Measure 1 and 2 of the energy audit - new high-tech assets: new installation for drying of kaolin (including kaolin fluidized bed dryer, calcined kaolin cooler) and rotary kiln for calcined kaolin, 2. Visualization and publicity of the project 3. Project Audit
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 18 Dec, 2017 |
End date | 18 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 18 Dec, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 6,531,272.63 |
Grant | 2,499,976.32 |
Self finance | 4,031,296.31 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |