Enhancing the energy efficiency and competitiveness of GP Group by purchasing new energy-saving equipment

The current project envisages the purchase of a new highly efficient crushing-sieving installation (Measure 1), a new quarry track excavator (Measure 2), two new wheel loaders (Measure 3) and a new articulated dump (Measure 4). All assets will be used on the site of the applicant for Terry quarry, Oshane village, Sofia. Vidin. The energy crushing and screening installation (MET) purchased in Measure 1 of the energy audit has a total installed capacity of 614 kW (224 kW diesel engine and 390 kW electric motors). The average capacity of the new plant is 400 t / h. And the total energy consumption (electricity and diesel) amounted to 1 282 410 kWh / year. The crawler excavator recommended in Measure 2 of the survey will be a 202 kW diesel engine with an average output of 650 tons per hour. The excavator will be equipped with a hard bucket with teeth, the volume of which will be 2.2 cubic meters. The energy consumption of the new equipment after its commissioning will amount to 359,550 kWh / yr. The project also includes the purchase of 2 new wheel loaders (Measure 3). Each one of them will have a 225 kW diesel engine with an average output of 650 tons / h. And bucket volume 4.5 cubic meters. The energy consumption of the new equipment after its commissioning will amount to 647,190 kWh / year. Measure 4 of the Energy Audit provides for the integration of the new articulated dump into the production process of the enterprise. The machine will have a diesel engine with 246 kW output, an average output of 435 tons / h. And a basket volume of 18 cubic meters. The energy consumption of the dump after its commissioning will be 323 595 kWh / year. The project will have a 24-month implementation period and will total BGN 4 894 900.00 excluding VAT.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Aug, 2018
End date 12 Oct, 2020
Contract date 01 Aug, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 4,894,900.00
Grant 2,447,450.00
Self finance 2,447,450.00
Total paid 2,446,190.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
