Energy efficiency enhancement in Electricity System Operator JSC

The project proposal includes the implementation of a large-scale energy efficiency program in the final energy consumption in 273 sites of Electricity System Operator (ESO) EAD. The proposal is based on an energy audit in which the final energy consumption for the representative year (2016) for the sites is 25 435 358,28 kWh/yr. The proposed energy efficiency program includes a package of recommended 274 energy-saving measures (ESM) that lead to a reduction in ESO EAD’s final energy consumption of 19,99% or 5 085 654 kWh / year. The program will be implemented by: 1) delivery and installation of 273 sets (6313 p.) of new high-efficiency LED lighting necessary for the complete modernization and reconstruction of the existing systems for outdoor artificial lighting in 273 substations. The implementation of the measures will lead to energy savings of 4 485 495 kWh / year and greenhouse gas emission reductions of 3 673,62 tonnes of CO2 eq/year; 2) supply, installation and commissioning of a new system for usage of the wasted heat from the existing autotransformers in substation Plovdiv for heating of five industrial buildings of ESO EAD. The implementation of this measure will lead to energy savings of 612 399 kWh / year and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 218,75 tonnes of CO2 eq/year; 3) introduction and certification of energy management system BDS EN ISO 50001/EN ISO 50001 to ensure sustainability of investments made and implementation of new energy efficiency measures in the company. During the implementation of the project, a set of measures will be implemented to ensure the visibility and publicity of the received EU funding and the results achieved in terms of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The efficiency of the investments is 2,57 kWh/lv, the internal rate of return is 23.33% and the payback period of the proposed measures is between 3 and 6 years. The project also leads to improvement of the financial results of the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Dec, 2017
End date 02 Jun, 2020
Contract date 15 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,183,835.40
Grant 518,865.93
Self finance 664,969.47
Total paid 490,681.10
EU participation percent 85.0%
