The project is aimed at realizing initial investments in tangible assets for improving the energy efficiency of "Corporation Toplivo" JSC, through implementation of 4 energy saving measures recommended as a result of the energy efficiency audit of the production base located in the city of Straldzha, which the company exploit under a long-term lease contract. The project will be implemented within 19 months and is aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the company's additional activity, which includes the production of bricks, roof tiles and other clay products for the construction industry, providing total annual energy consumption (for the chosen as representative 2015) amounts to 16 074 000.00 kWh/year. In order to reduce the energy intensity of the activity, reducing production costs and increasing the economic efficiency of the activity, within the framework of the current project, we envisage implementing the following measures as a result of the recommendations of the energy efficiency audit: Measures (activities) to be implemented under Element A of the procedure: - Measure 1: Optimization and Automation of the Tile Production Line; - Measure 2: Delivery and commissioning of 2 pcs. new Diesel forklifts and 1 pc. new four-axle electric forklifts; Measures (activities) to be implemented under Element B: - Measure 4: Introduction of the Automated System for Monitoring and Control of Energy Consumption The activities under Element B also includes the introduction and certification of an energy management system according to BDS EN ISO 50001 / EN ISO 50001 standard. With the implementation of the project, the following measurable results will be achieved: Annual energy savings from package measures 10 612 821.25 kWh / yr. Planned energy savings for the whole enterprise 33.73%
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 28 Dec, 2017 |
End date | 28 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 28 Dec, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 5,069,079.37 |
Grant | 2,495,507.77 |
Self finance | 2,573,571.60 |
Total paid | 1,609,883.60 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |