With this project the company aims to expand the already existing business object by the producing more than one of the already produced products as the basis manufacturing process doesn't change. From its establishment in 2006 the company produces rubber and plastic compounds for every automobile brand. 100% of the production is intended to be for Europe, Asia, North America. The activities designed for the project in the area for investment are connected with purchasing and installing the Programmable installation for production and heat treatment of rubber and plastic compounds. At the moment the production lines are using only electrical power meaning that they consume high levels of nature resources and power. The installation eliminates these complications. The new production line will use both electrical power and natural gas while the overwhelming usage will be of natural gas. With the new installation the expenses for production are going to be decreased the production will be ecologically friendly which will lead to increasing capacity levels of the company for achieving even bigger success. The new production line is with high level of automation. The manual operation are going to at really low level in comparison to now. The plastic and rubber compounds are being used more and more often in the automobile industry because of their resistance to corrosion and their durability, endurance, flexibility in the design as well as their advantage - their weight compared to the metal tubes. In these cases the compounds replace the conventional metal tubes which are used in the pipelines of the automobiles as cooling the engine. the internal heating and fuel lines. Another important factor is the reduction of the cost for the production. The new installation is going to increase the productivity and at the same time will reduce the quantity of emissions. The exploitation of the new installation is connected to the hiring of new highly-qualified personal.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 29 Dec, 2017 |
End date | 29 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 29 Dec, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 3,006,709.90 |
Grant | 1,503,354.95 |
Self finance | 1,503,354.95 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |