"Atomenergoremont" JSC produces pressure vessels, complex welded constructions, shafts, assemblies and equipments, sections and coils for electric motors, and carries out repairs in power stations, industrial, power and other objects. This project foresees activities leading to expanding production capacity and increasing energy efficiency and competitiveness in the Kozloduy NPP production base to achieve lower production costs and reduce CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. The following activities are planned: - Optimization, modernization and improvement of the production capacity of the Technological Welding Structures Production Line (IPPC) in implementation of Measure 1 of the energy efficiency audit; - Optimization, modernization and improvement of production capacity of the Technology Production Line (LWP) in implementation of Measure 2 of the energy efficiency audit; - Optimizing, modernizing and increasing the production capacity of the Energy Lines Production Line (LPEE) in implementation of Measure 3 of the energy efficiency audit; - Replacement of an old coil roasting machine with a new hydraulic press for roasting windings in implementation of Measure 4 of the energy efficiency audit; - Reduction of energy costs at the "Electro production unit" - a bobbin section, by purchasing a new, energy-saving mechanical ventilation installation for utilization of residual heat in implementation of Measure 5 of the energy efficiency audit carried out; - Consultancy services for the introduction and certification of an energy management system in accordance with EN ISO 50001 (Energy Management System); - Providing project Financial audit; - Providing Publicity and visualization project activites.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 28 Dec, 2017 |
End date | 22 Jan, 2020 |
Contract date | 28 Dec, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 4,999,065.00 |
Grant | 2,499,532.50 |
Self finance | 2,499,532.50 |
Total paid | 2,498,912.50 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |