Increasing energy efficiency in Ossam JSC

The current project proposal aims to reduce the energy consumption and harmful emissions and increase the productiveness in "Ossam" JSC through a set of measures, prescribed by the conducted energy audit: Measure 1: Replacement of existing equipment for melting and spilling metal with a new induction furnace with melting capacity of 2x6t., equipped with an automatic spill device Measure 2: Replacement of existing equipment for cleaning metal castings with a new CNC cleaning machine, equipped with a compressor unit and auxilliary equipment Measure 3: System for utilizing waste heat from the compressor unit (included in Measure 2) and use of the utilized energy for heating water After integration of the described equipment, the production process of Ossam JSC will be significantly higher, which will lead to the opportunity for taking more orders, as well as a lower energy consumption per production unit. The machines and equipment, prescribed by the energy audit, will lead to a higher level of competitiveness of the enterprise. The project also envisages to introduce and certify a system for energy management according to the standard EN ISO 50001. These activities will lead to the reduction of energy costs, limit the consumption of energy resources and thus - save the environment. The enterprise already has an automatic system for monitoring and control of the energy consumption, encompassing the total consumption of electricity and natural gas in Ossam JSC, which is over 99 % of the total energy consumption of the enterprise. The project will be with a duration of 24 months and will amount to 4 131 675.00 leva. The project will be implemented in the area of Natura 2000.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Dec, 2017
End date 13 May, 2020
Contract date 28 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 4,131,675.00
Grant 2,065,837.50
Self finance 2,065,837.50
Total paid 2,027,925.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
