Increasing energy efficiency and expanding the production capacity of PLASTHIM-T Jsc., Aksakovo

The project proposal includes investments in order to improve energy efficiency recommended as measures in an energy efficiency audit carried out by a person registered in the register under Art. 60 para. 1 of the EEA. The PLASTHIM-T plant in Aksakovo is specialized in the production of polypropylene film. For 2016, the production base in Aksakovo consumed 60 756 218,28 kWh of energy. The project enisages realization of activities with proven energy effect, the complex implementation of which will increase the applicant's competitiveness, its production capacity and its resource efficiency. The following activities are envisaged: - purchase and commissioning of 2 extruders, which will complement the existing foil production processes. - Replacement of available equipment for cooling the PP film in the subsequent stretching process with a new air-cooled water cooler with built-in Free-Cooling system. - recovery of the waste heat emitted during cooling of the compressors in the production base by taking it to the raw material storehouse. - construction of an automated system for monitoring and control of 100% of the energy consumption of the applicant's plant in the town of Aksakovo. In addition, the project provides consulting services for the introduction and certification of an Energy Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001, as well as visualization and publicity activities. The amount of the calculated BRF also requires a financial audit of the project carried out by a registered auditor. The results to be achieved are: -Planted energy savings for the plant as a result of project implementation: 11,901% or 7,952470 kWh per year. - saved CO2 emissions - approximately 5 302,14 t / year. - 100% of the energy consumption of the plant covered by ASMCE. - the opportunity to work with recycled raw materials.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Dec, 2017
End date 10 Jul, 2020
Contract date 28 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 3,793,350.76
Grant 1,896,675.38
Self finance 1,896,675.38
Total paid 1,884,127.52
EU participation percent 85.0%
