Improving the energy efficiency of "Momina Krepost" AD

The current project proposal is targeted at improving the energy efficiency and increasing the production capacity of Momina Krepost AD by purchasing, putting into operation and replacement of old production equipment with new syringe production equipment: Syringe production line 1 and 2ml. - 1 pc, Syringe production line 5 and 10ml. - 1 pc. and Syringe Production Line 20 ml. - 1 pc. The current project proposal will be implemented in the production plant of the company in Veliko Tarnovo city. The plant is a separate site, carrying out economic activity, producing syringes of different capacity and specification. The company's facility has a single scheme for power supply and energy consumption. As part of the project activities, it is envisaged to introduce, an Automated system for monitoring and control of the energy consumption - 1 pc in the described production site, which will cover 70% of the energy consumption of the factory. Additionally, the project envisages the recovery of waste energy from existing processes, by introducing a Waste energy recovery system 1pc. The investment under this project includes the introduction and certification of an ISO 50001 Energy Management System on the site. It is expected that the introduction of this standard will lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, energy costs and other environmental impacts through systematic energy management. After the implementation of the project, in view of the received grant, a financial audit of the project will be carried out. Once the project is implemented, energy savings PES = 91.04% and CO2 savings of 20581tons / year are expected to be achieved.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Dec, 2017
End date 23 Apr, 2020
Contract date 15 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 4,998,900.20
Grant 2,499,450.09
Self finance 2,499,450.11
Total paid 2,494,668.03
EU participation percent 85.0%
