Increasing the energy efficiency in Natalia AD

The purpose of the present project proposal is to increase the energy efficiency and production capacity of Natalia AD in the core business of the candidate according to KID 14.14 "Manufacturing of underwear" by replacing the main production equipment, which is obsolete and highly energy consuming. The old equipment is planned to be replaced by new, distinguished by significantly improved productivity and low power consumption. The planned replacement concerns the main production capacities in the company - replacement of dyeing machines, a knitting machine, a dryer machine and a dryer for prints with new ones. All of these assets are related to the company's core business. Within the framework of the project proposal is also envisaged the construction of waste heat recovery system, the introduction of an automated system for monitoring and control of the energy consumption, as well as the implementation of the ISO 50001 standard. As a result of the implementation of these measures, the volume of energy consumed and that of the emitted carbon emissions from the production will be reduced, thus helping to protect the environment and improve the competitiveness of the company. Planned energy savings for the enterprise as a result of project implementation (PES) will be 60,79% or 16 452 020,79 KWh / year and the efficiency of the investment as a ratio of the amount of energy saved in kWh. annually to the required investment in BGN (kWh / BGN) will be 8,71, with carbon dioxide emissions saved from 7047,56 t / yr.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Feb, 2018
End date 08 Jun, 2020
Contract date 09 Feb, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,898,020.70
Grant 949,010.35
Self finance 949,010.35
Total paid 948,960.35
EU participation percent 85.0%
