The project proposal is based on the recommendations made in the Energy Efficiency Review Report for the implementation of measures to increase the energy efficiency of ATARO CLIMA EOOD. The activities of the Report were prepared in advance and are described as Activity 1. The project was prepared in response to the increased need for optimization of the working processes for the sustainable development of ATARO CLIMA Ltd. by increasing the production capacity and reducing the unit production costs of electricity. The planned activities are related to the implementation of the measures set out in the Energy Efficiency Audit Report of ATARO CLIMA EOOD - replacement of morally and technically obsolete machinery and equipment with new energy efficient: - high-tech group of machines for production of rectangular ducts and fittings (measure 1) ; - CNC Fiber Laser (Measure 2); - CNC controlled servo-electronic abc press (Measure 3); - CNC press (Measure 4); - Powder coating system (Measure 5) and the construction of a ventilation installation with recuperation for the recovery of waste heat (Measure 6). Expected results are: - Enhanced energy intensity of the enterprise - a consequence of the introduction of new high-tech FTAs - A minimum of 69.95% energy savings for the entire enterprise - CO2 savings - min 1657.69 t / y as a direct effect of the implementation of the project - Optimized total energy consumption and unit costs - Improved competitiveness of the enterprise - Realized min. 10% more revenue for the year following the implementation of the project. The envisaged measures for visualization and publicity according to the requirements of the MA and in compliance with the Beneficiary's Unified Handbook for the implementation of the information and communication rules will be followed and implemented during the implementation period of the project. Execution period: 20 months Budget: 1 570 396.00 BGN excluding VAT
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 06 Apr, 2020 |
Contract date | 20 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,570,396.00 |
Grant | 785,198.00 |
Self finance | 785,198.00 |
Total paid | 784,886.50 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |