Enhancement of energy efficiency in Dunarit AD

Dunarit PLC has applied for this project with a project to increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise. In order to ensure the production process of the company, the total annual energy consumption is 16431929 kWh / year. In view of the need to reduce energy consumption, the implementation of the project envisages investments involving a number of energy-saving ECM measures recommended by an energy audit Representing replacement of old and depreciated equipment with new energy-efficient, as follows: 1.Poral CNC control system for laser 3D cutting; 2. CNC control lathe for parts with a maximum diameter of 32 mm; 3. Automated bodywork processing system; Machine Machining Center; 5. Vacuum furnace for heat treatment; 6. Electro-resistive heating furnace; 7. Blower volume heating machine; 8. Supply and installation of high-temperature heat pump units for heating of three workshops in the company, and 9. Putting into operation a system for utilization of waste energy for own needs. The implementation of this project is aimed at realizing initial investments in tangible assets to expand the capacity of an existing business site and reduce energy consumption for production needs. In addition, the project provides consulting services for the introduction and certification of an Energy Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001, as well as visualization and publicity activities. At the moment of application in Dunarit JSC, an Energy Monitoring System, which covers more than 60% of the company's energy resources, has been implemented and successfully functioning. As a result of the implementation of the project, energy savings of 8525341,86 kWh / year are expected to be achieved. , Which for the whole enterprise is 39.41%.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Dec, 2017
End date 10 Feb, 2020
Contract date 28 Dec, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,874,830.64
Grant 1,437,415.32
Self finance 1,437,415.32
Total paid 1,430,695.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
