The aim of the current project proposal is to increase the energy efficiency and production capacity of Gorubso Madan AD by replacing part of its old production equipment which is obsolete and highly energy intensive. A part of the old equipment will be replaced by new machines, which have significantly improved performance and low energy consumption. The planned investment includes purchase of the following new equipment: underground mining loaders - 4 pcs., universal mining coaches - 3 pcs., underground mining trucks - 2 pcs. In addition, the project proposal includes measures for construction of a waste heat recovery system, installation of an automated system for monitoring and control of energy consumption as well as implementation and certification of the ISO 50001 standard. The planned investments are under the scope of Code of economic activity (KID) 07.29. As a result of the implementation of the described measures, the production capacity will be increased, energy consumption and carbon emissions from the production will be reduced whereas environment will be better protected and the competitiveness of the company will be improved. Planned energy savings for the enterprise (a result of the project implementation) are calculated at 59,97%. The efficiency of the investment as a ratio of the amount of energy saved in kWh on an yearly basis, compared to the required investment in BGN (kWh/BGN), are expected to be 4,11 with saved carbon dioxide emissions in the amount of 17676,92 Tons per year.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Dec, 2017 |
End date | 09 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 15 Dec, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 4,782,044.35 |
Grant | 2,391,022.17 |
Self finance | 2,391,022.18 |
Total paid | 2,389,957.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |