Resource efficiency at INTERPLAST Ltd.

NTERPLAST Ltd applies for a procedure with a project for increasing the resource efficiency. The company envisages the introduction of a new technological solution for Bulgaria, which is a production innovation. The project leads to improvement of the resource efficiency of the applicant enterprise, has a positive impact on the environment and is based on a resource-efficient audit. The implementation of the project envisages the demonstration of the implemented technology to other companies in the industry and has the potential for multiplying the results. The implementation envisages the implementation of a technological solution for optimization of the production process, reduction of used raw materials and elimination of part of the generated waste in the existing production. The project refers to one of the specific waste streams "Packaging Waste", the amount of emissions into the atmosphere and will be carried out around the Natura 2000 sites and as a result will provide a positive effect on the environment protection INTERPLAST Ltd. applies for the procedure on its own. Activities are planned for putting into operation of FTA - Plant for production of plastic products with innovative extruder head, 2 events and publication in traditional and digital media for multiplication of results, visualization of the project. Prior to applying for the procedure, a resource efficiency audit of the enterprise was planned, which envisages a purchase period for the investment - 3.8420 years, an increase in efficiency by 18,66%, a reduction in the amount of used raw materials - weighted average for all raw materials - 16.03% and 100% of waste 120105 Slag, chips and slits of plastics and 150102 Plastic package.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 27 Nov, 2018
End date 02 Jun, 2020
Contract date 27 Nov, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 690,070.00
Grant 483,049.00
Self finance 207,021.00
Total paid 483,049.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
