Efficient use of resources in the production of NIDEX Ltd.

The current project proposal is going to be executed by Nidex LTD. The company was founded in 1998 in the village of Koprilven, Hadzidimovo municipality, region Blagoevgrad, and specializes in design, production and sale of plastic products, main economic activity under CN code: C 22.23 Manufacture of joinery and other articles of plastics for construction . The company's manufacture is based in its own industrial unit in the village of Koprivlen. The project proposal includes measures for optimization of the production processes - utilization of own and foreign waste by: 1. Installation for the production of a soft PVC gasket consisting of: Extruders alfa 72-25 B - 2 pieces. The implementation of the project and the acquirement of the tangible fixed assets described above will lead to: * Increasing the efficiency of production costs - 16,70%. * Utilization of own and foreign waste in excess of 55,91%, cumulatively with a decrease of the quantity of used raw materials in the production of a unit by 11,72%. * In the management of one of the types of waste generated by the activity, the enterprise goes to the first degree "prevention". The project activities include: Element A "Implementation" ⃰ Investments in tangible fixed assets for the implementation of the envisaged activities for waste utilization in existing production that will be implemented in compliance with the normative requirements - selection of contractor, delivery, installation and commissioning of the provided equipment. Element C "Other investments, services and multiplying results" * Organizing and conducting an event to multiply the results of the project - Seminar on "Resource efficiency and circular economy in the manufacture of plastic products", also publications in digital media. * Publicity and vizualization Total project cost: 574 602.36 BGN (excluding VAT), grant amount of 390 799.60 BGN. Planned project duration is 18 months.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 Jan, 2019
End date 29 Dec, 2020
Contract date 30 Jan, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 574,172.36
Grant 384,491.00
Self finance 189,681.36
Total paid 384,398.95
EU participation percent 85.0%
