Investments for effective use of resources in Primabuild Ltd.

The main objective of the project is to increase the resource efficiency of Primabild Ltd. by applying new technological solutions in the production process. The objective of the project will be achieved by investing in innovative know-how, monitoring system and adaptive dosing and crushing and recycling plant, with the implementation of the overall technology leading to: - Reduction in the amount of raw materials used in the production of a unit of production and use of waste as a raw material in existing production; - Effective waste management through their prevention; - Reduce the amount of harmful chemicals used; - Reduction of water consumption and reduction of the quantity of harmful emissions in waste water. Project investments directly lead to improved resource efficiency and have a positive environmental impact, thus contributing to the objectives of the project selection process. At the same time, the project activities lead to an expansion of the capacity of an existing business site as a result of the investments will produce more than the existing products of Primabild Ltd. without any substantial change in the basic production process. The investment envisaged under the project in technology and recipe know-how, combined with a monitoring system and adaptive dosing and crushing and recycling plant, will be introduced pilot for Bulgaria while the technology has multiplier potential as it can be applied to other enterprises in the sector. To promote the technology and the benefits of resource efficiency investments, the project envisages activities for promotion and multiplication of the results. The project fully complies with the terms of the procedure and includes the mandatory activities of Element A and Element C, which lead to improvement of resource efficiency, reduction of raw materials use, waste prevention and reduction of harmful emissions.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 29 Nov, 2018
End date 15 Dec, 2020
Contract date 29 Nov, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,425,000.00
Grant 997,500.00
Self finance 427,500.00
Total paid 994,518.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
