Pilot and demonstration initiatives for resource efficiency in NIMEK Ltd.

"NIMEK" Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of ladies' top clothes. The present project is aimed at and aims to increase the resource efficiency of NIMEK Ltd. and to have a positive effect on the environment through the implementation of a pilot technological solution for Bulgaria which is a production process innovation aimed at improving the way of production of the products falling within the main economic activity of the company - in line with the purpose of this procedure. The project will be implemented through the implementation of a set of interconnected and upgrading activities eligible under Elements A and B of the procedure, namely: 1: Implementation of a complex technological solution for changing the process of manufacturing of ladies' garments by purchasing an automated cutting system - 1 pc. and Sheffield pens and base sewing machine - 1, leading to a reduction in raw material cloth, lining, glue and thread, as well as reduction of the use of auxiliary materials plotter paper and degreaser, which has HHW and reduces the generation of waste 19 12 01 Paper and paperboard, 15 01 01 Paper and cardboard packaging and 20 01 11 Textile materials. 2: Develop a resource efficiency audit of the project for the purposes of the Annex F procedure 3: Performance of emission measurements by accredited laboratories 4: Organizing and conducting events to multiply the project results 5: Publications in traditional and digital media to multiply the results of the project (the activity will be implemented through the implementation of 6 publications in traditional and digital media to multiply the results of the project) 6: Project preview The present project has as its main object the implementation of an initial investment in FTA related to the expansion of the capacity of the existing business site.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Dec, 2018
End date 29 Dec, 2020
Contract date 07 Dec, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 851,268.00
Grant 513,215.80
Self finance 338,052.20
Total paid 513,215.80
EU participation percent 85.0%
