Resource efficiency in ELENA FASHION RUSE LTD

ELENA FASHION RUSE Ltd. is a tailoring enterprise and is applying for a project to increase resource efficiency. The company envisages the introduction of a new technology pilot for Bulgaria, which is a production innovation. The project leads to improved resource efficiency of the enterprise, has a positive effect on environmental protection and is based on a resource efficiency audit. The implementation of the project foresees the demonstration of the implemented technology to other enterprises in the industry and has the potential to multiply the results. The implementation of the project envisages the implementation of technological and ICT solutions and methods for optimization of production processes, reduction of used raw materials and waste generated in the existing production. The project addresses two of the specific waste streams (15 01 01 Paper and cardboard packaging, 15 01 02 Plastic Packaging), leads to the complete elimination of the hazardous chemicals used, the amount of emissions into the atmosphere will be carried out around the Natura 2000 sites and as a result, will have a positive effect on environmental protection. ELENA FASHION EOOD applies for the procedure on its own. It is also envisaged the implementation of the DNA-System for automated monitoring of the individual processes in the production of real-time clothing to ensure high quality of process and optimization of production (MES), which allows its intelligent automation in the context of the global tendencies of Industry 4.0. The project also includes two events, as well as publications in traditional and digital media for multiplying the results, visualizing the project. The expected result is an increase in cost effectiveness by 16.04% and the payback period of the investment is 5,979.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 23 Nov, 2018
End date 18 Jan, 2021
Contract date 23 Nov, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,549,000.00
Grant 931,400.00
Self finance 617,600.00
Total paid 929,498.60
EU participation percent 85.0%
