The present project proposal is aimed at the implementation of a complex of technological solutions, pilot for Bulgaria and Europe, representing production / process / innovation, leading to improvement of the resource efficiency of the enterprise with a positive effect on the environment protection. In particular, this innovative technology will result in a reduction in the raw material input and waste generated in the production as well as in the prevention of their formation, thus increasing the resource efficiency of the production of BLIK-99 EOOD. At the same time, it will influence the increase of production capacity as it will optimize the production processes and will automate and digitalyze a significant part of the operations used in the processing of the raw materials. The results of the project implementation will be multiplied as the implemented technological solution has the potential to be applied to other companies in the industry on the territory of the country. We will also carry out project visualization activities within the project. The implementation of the project and the achievement of the specific objectives will contribute to the fulfillment of its overall objective: to increase the competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth of BLIK-99 EOOD. Expected results of the project implementation are: - Embedded technological solutions and methods, pilot for Bulgaria, representing manufacturing innovation; Improved resource efficiency of the enterprise - Contribution to environmental protection; - Prerequisites for multiplying the project results in similar enterprises producing metal, aluminum, polyamide and polyurethane elastomers.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 23 Nov, 2018 |
End date | 12 Mar, 2020 |
Contract date | 23 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,234,464.62 |
Grant | 999,922.94 |
Self finance | 1,234,541.68 |
Total paid | 999,359.99 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |