Pilot and demonstration initiatives to increase resource efficiency in Danis Ltd by introducing an innovative digital cutter for leather cut, shoe lining and soles with 3D software for shoe design and engineering

The present project is aimed at the implementation of technological solutions and methods which in themselves represent the introduction of product innovation but presented in their entirety as one solution - lead to the introduction of process innovation that is a pilot action for Bulgaria. Based on the definitions in the Oslo Manual, the innovation provided by the project - digital cutter for leather cut, shoe lining and soles with 3D software for shoe design and engineering, includes product innovation features and taken as a whole of the applicant's manufacturing process - possesses features of process innovation, pilot for Bulgaria. Namely, the process innovation implemented in the project, pilot for Bulgaria, has an estimated high potential for multiplication of results and applicability in similar enterprises from the Shooting industry sector. In pursuance of the innovation foreseen for implementation, the project will lead to improvement of Danis Ltd's resource efficiency and will have a positive effect on the environment by reducing the used dangerous chemicals as well as mitigating the effects of climate change on atmospheric emissions. The project envisages: reduction of the amount of generated waste; reduction of emissions into the atmosphere; a reduction in the dangerous chemicals’ used and a reduction of all raw materials used in the production of a unit of product. The investments in the project are under the mandatory Element A under the terms and conditions of the "regional investment aid" regime in the category - expansion of the capacity of an existing business site. The planned capacity expansion is an increase of 10% for year N + 1 for products with code and 1% for year N + 1 for products with code for the quantity of output produced for 2016. The project also includes activities under the mandatory Element B related to activities for results’ multiplication.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 05 Dec, 2018
End date 22 Oct, 2020
Contract date 05 Dec, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 603,030.00
Grant 422,121.00
Self finance 180,909.00
Total paid 411,502.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
