Andy Tech OOD is an enterprise operating in the sector 31.01 - NSI 2008 - Production of office furniture. In order to improve its resource efficiency and therefore to increase its competitiveness and to contribute to environmental protection, the enterprise envisages implementing several major resource-saving activities under this project. Resource efficiency improvement activities are related to the purchase of modern high-performance equipment, which will allow a significant reduction of raw materials and the production of a new product from production waste. The following activities are envisaged: 1) Resource Efficiency Audit to analyze the current state and to impose measures to improve resource efficiency. 2) Investments (purchase of tangible fixed assets) to implement the resource efficiency measures set out in the audit: - Equipment for dust removal and briquetting. - Technology line for powder painting of metal products. - CNC tubing machine type 1 - CNC tubing machine type 2 3) Publicity and project visualization activities; 4) Activities to multiply results Expected results from the overall realization of the project are: 1) Improving the competitiveness of the enterprise as a result of the modernization and improvement of the the production process; 2) Increasing resource efficiency, reducing unit cost and expanding the production capacity of Andi Tech Ltd The project will be implemented at the base of the enterprise in Petrich for a period of 19 months.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 27 Nov, 2018 |
End date | 10 Sep, 2020 |
Contract date | 27 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,749,440.00 |
Grant | 791,573.00 |
Self finance | 957,867.00 |
Total paid | 784,808.70 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |