The implementation of this project aims to increase the resource efficiency of SILA PLAS Ltd. by applying new solutions, techniques and methods. The enterprise applies with an investment project for the implementation of measures that lead to the improvement of resource efficiency at SILA PLAS Ltd. and lead to a positive environmental impact based on a resource efficiency audit. The project is aimed at the implementation of technological solutions and methods, pilot for Bulgaria, applied for the first time, representing production innovation and having the potential to multiply the results. The project proposal will be implemented through the following activities on element A and B.: 1) Purchase of DMA machine for extrusion by blowing of high density polyethylene film, the consumption of LDPE / HDPE raw materials, filler, masterbatch and process granulate used in the production of single layer films; 2) Purchase of DMA machine for extrusion by blowing of high density polyethylene film of low density, connected with the dia. consumption of LDPE / HDPE raw materials, filler, masterbatch and technological granulate used in the production of three-layer foil; 3) Organizing and conducting 2 events to provide a result of the project; 4) Publications in traditional and digital media to multiply the results of the project. The implementation of the project is aimed at realizing initial investments in tangible assets in order to expand the capacity of the existing economic entity and reduce the consumption of natural raw materials in production. Through the assistance focused on the procedure, investments will be made in new production equipment and technologies, will be extended the access to new practices, systems and production models, which will make the production process in SILA PLAS Ltd. resource-efficient and greener.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 29 Nov, 2018 |
End date | 19 Mar, 2021 |
Contract date | 29 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 879,231.24 |
Grant | 615,461.86 |
Self finance | 263,769.38 |
Total paid | 611,401.86 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |